In Helter Skelter, Bugliosi said the tape was Sharon and Roman having sex. Reports of her debauchery have always been greatly exaggerated. Roman fucked everything that moved, but there's little evidence that Sharon was promiscuous before or after she married him.
sharon tate sex tape
Altobelli sued Sharon's estate to recover money for the damage done to the house while Sharon and her companions were murdered (the Curbed article linked upthread talked about it). He later said it was just business. Doesn't sound like a sentimental or respectful guy.
In "Helter Skelter' the film R41 is referencing was said to be one of Polanski and Take "making love." In his memoir Polanski, who was intrigued with videotape, suggested he and Sharon make o tape of themselves having sex. He said Sharon was all for it and said "Fine! What characters should we play?" He said the making of the tape was frivolous, not lewd or exhibitionistic. He thought it would be amusing to watch the tape when they were old. Of course after the murders there were all these rumors of videotapes found at the house that showed Hollywood stars engaged in orgies and other debauchery. But those tapes didn't exist. It was more lies, like the ones that said Sharon was "the queen of the Hollywood orgy scene" and "a dabbler in the Satanic arts."
Ruth Ann was very pregnant when she was arraigned on the Hoyt charge. They let her out on bail and she fled the state. She came back a few years later and was eventually arrested on the old warrant, but so much time had passed and she'd kept out of trouble, so they just dropped the whole thing. It is kind of weird that they did that, but maybe the LA justice system was sick of the Manson family cases at that point.
From a legal and even a moral perspective, it doesn't matter who struck the fatal blows. Almost all of the Manson followers who went to those houses went there armed with knives and with the intention of killing people. That they may have chickened out at the last second means very little. The only one who deserved mercy was Linda, who repeatedly refused to stab anybody, fled the family as soon as she could, and then turned state's evidence.
I think the old GHOSTHUNTERS series on SyFy also did a segment at the new house which was built on the site of the murder house. If the series wasn't Ghosthunters, it was one of those paranormal shows. It was an incredibly creepy episode. There were recordings, the crew captured them on the ghost-box mechanism they use during these paranormal shows. Or they simply set up tape recorders with mics, not sure what they set up.
R275 I don't agree. Believe me, I'm the farthest thing from a conspiracy theorist. I believe Oswald acted alone, and on behalf of no one. But, what O'Neill writes about that tape rings absolutely true. And, he has notes written by Bugliosi in his own hand about Terry Melcher's post-murders visit to Sphan Ranch, and three eyewitnesses corroborate it.
About that tape that reportedly shows Sharon Tate being "raped by two men"...well, at first the rumor was that tapes found at the murder house showed orgies that took place with big name Hollywood stars. Here's Roman Polanski's explanation of it. I'm no fan of his (he's a creepy perv who had or still has a fetish for girls under 18) but I think he's telling the truth. But I guess it's always so much more fun to believe the more outlandish tales of it:
"Finally, there was the videotape of Sharon and me making love, found by a detective on the little mezzanine over the living room. One writer later claimed the police had unearthed a whole collection of pornographic movies and stills involving famous Hollywood stars. Although I was never questioned about the tape, I should no doubt be accused of concealing a significant aspect of our lifestyle if I failed to mention its existence.
The videotape recorder was the one I'd bought from Paramount after having used it to tape rehearsals of "Rosemary's Baby." It was a rare toy in the late 1960s, and we played with it a good deal. One night I suggested switching it on and making love. "Fine," said Sharon, "what characters should we play?" The whole thing was frivolous rather than lewd or exhibitionistic. Gene's only comment when I told him what we'd done was "Why, do you want to check your technique or something?" At the back of my mind was the idea that it would be hilarious to play the tape years later, when we were old. It wasn't to be."
R425 Yeah when Manson realized he now had this powerful tool in his arsenal, he didn't hesitate to use it. For the purpose of getting brother Bobby out of jail, and maybe to scare the daylights out of Terry Melcher to punish him for not getting him a recording contract. I guess, even if it didn't work with Bobby, he would've tried it again at some point.
Getting into the weeds of this- I looked a various things, including Garretson's polygraph. The official story is that Rudy Altobeli picked up Garretson hitchhiking, and offered him the job as caretaker. In his polygraph, he states "He asked me to be caretaker, since I got along with his dogs." Suggesting that Garretson was more than just a hitchhiker to Rudy. Later in the polygraph, he's asked if he ever had sex with a man. The answer was yes. And he goes on to explain some situation when he first got to LA, this guy drugged him, blah blah blah. I think he thought of himself as straight, but would be with a guy when it benefited him.
But it's a natural human response to want to explain. Why did Parent go to see Garretson? What EXACTLY led to this most unfortunate events for Parent? The clock radio thing seems odd, but that might be all there is to the story. Or, there may have been other factors at play. I heard an interesting interview with Parent's girlfriend last night. She stated "We spent a lot of time together, but he really wasn't very physical. My friends would constantly be making out, and I'd ask him, 'Steve why don't we do that?' He just wasn't very interested." That is very interesting stuff (to me) that has nothing to do with the murders. It may be a portrait of closeted gay life in my city 50 years ago. I live that stuff.
Sharon Marie Tate was born on January 24, 1943, in Dallas, Texas, the eldest of three daughters to Colonel Paul James Tate,[7] a United States Army officer, and his wife, Doris Gwendolyn (née Willett). The family is of English, Swiss, and French descent.[8] At six months of age, Tate won the "Miss Tiny Tot of Dallas Pageant", but her parents had no show business ambitions for their daughter. Paul Tate was promoted and transferred several times. By the age of 16, Tate had lived in six cities and reportedly found it difficult to maintain friendships. Her family described her as shy and lacking in self-confidence. As an adult, Tate commented that people would misinterpret her shyness as aloofness until they knew her better.[9]
As she matured, people commented on Tate's appearance; she began entering beauty pageants, winning the title of "Miss Richland" in Washington in 1959. She spoke of her ambition to study psychiatry and also stated her intention to compete in the "Miss Washington" pageant in 1960; however, before she could do either, her father received orders to be stationed in Italy. With her family relocating to Verona, Tate learned that she had become a local celebrity owing to the publication of a photograph of her in a swimsuit on the cover of the military newspaper Stars and Stripes. She discovered a kinship with other students at the American school she attended in nearby Vicenza, recognizing that their backgrounds and feelings of separation were similar to her own, and, for the first time in her life, began to form lasting friendships.
Later that year, when Barabbas was being filmed near Verona, Tate was once again hired as an extra. Actor Jack Palance was impressed by her appearance and attitude, although her role was too small to judge her talent. He arranged a screen test for her in Rome, but this did not lead to further work. Tate returned to the United States alone, saying that she wanted to further her studies, but tried to find film work. After a few months, Doris Tate, who feared for her daughter's safety, suffered a nervous breakdown and her daughter was persuaded to return to Italy.[9]
The family returned to the United States in 1962 and Tate moved to Los Angeles, where she contacted Richard Beymer's agent, Harold Gefsky. After their first meeting, Gefsky agreed to represent her, and secured work for her in television and magazine advertisements. In 1963, he introduced her to Martin Ransohoff, director of Filmways, Inc., who signed her to a seven-year contract. She was considered for the role of Billie Jo Bradley on CBS's sitcom Petticoat Junction, but Ransohoff believed that she lacked confidence and the role was given to Jeannine Riley. Ransohoff gave Tate small parts in Mister Ed and The Beverly Hillbillies to help her gain experience, but was unwilling to allow her to play a more substantial role. "Mr. Ransohoff didn't want the audience to see me till I was ready," Tate was quoted in a 1967 article in Playboy.[10]
Tate and Polanski later agreed that neither of them had been impressed by the other when they first met. Polanski was planning The Fearless Vampire Killers, which was being coproduced by Ransohoff, and had decided that he wanted the red-headed actress Jill St. John for the female lead. Ransohoff insisted that Polanski cast Tate and, after meeting with her, Polanski agreed that she would be suitable on the condition that she wore a red wig during filming. The company traveled to Italy for filming, where Tate's fluent Italian proved useful in communicating with the local crew members. A perfectionist, Polanski had little patience with the inexperienced Tate and said in an interview that one scene had required 70 takes before he was satisfied. In addition to directing, Polanski also played one of the main characters, a guileless young man who is intrigued by Tate's character and begins a romance with her. As filming progressed, Polanski praised her performances and her confidence grew. They began a relationship and Tate moved into Polanski's London apartment after filming ended. Jay Sebring traveled to London, where he insisted on meeting Polanski. Although friends later said he was devastated, he befriended Polanski and remained Tate's closest confidant. Polanski later commented that Sebring was a lonely and isolated person, who viewed Tate and himself as his family.[13] 2ff7e9595c
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